We made it back to Cottonwood Farms to get our pumpkin this year. If you'd like to compare photos, HERE is a link to last year, to see how much she's grown.
Playing in the hay bale maze
Practicing being "an old witch!"
and just enjoying the day in general!
We carved her pumpkin last weekend, and Sabine helped scoop out the seeds, although she wasn't as keen on eating them after they were roasted. Oh well, more for mommy!
On Tuesday, the day before Halloween, we had a little photo shoot with some of our good friends, to get the kids together in costume. Hopefully this becomes an annual tradition!
On Halloween day, Sabine was ready to go. We managed to squeeze in a nap, even though she hasn't had one all week, to buy us a little more time for the evening.
Our families joined us, and cousin E dressed up as a flying monkey, they make a good pair, even if they didn't want to cooperate for a posed picture!
It was more fun to run/crawl around on the sidewalk and pull little cousins around by their wings.
(note the purple hair, a very key part of the costume)
We met up with the neighbors, and the big kids helped wrangle the littler ones for another group shot.
But the best part of the whole day, I think, was the flying broomstick rides, courtesy of Grandpa. Grandpas bring the magic of Halloween to a new level!
(Snuggling between grandmothers isn't all bad, either.)
We managed to trick-or-treat through a bunch of the neighborhood before some of the scarier decorations ended the evening. So we came home to have a quick dinner with all of the family, and then, of course, to sample the loot.
'Twas good.
Happy Halloween!
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