First haircut!
Sabine was apprehensive, but we went to a great place in Boulder that is specifically for kids, with fancy car-shaped seats, movies, and lollipops at every station. And the staff was fantastic, Sabine tends to be very fearful of new situations, both the doctor and dentist have been stressful for her. But they left us alone to walk around for 15 minutes, warming up, watching other happy kids get their hair cut, and then once Sabine decided she wanted to stay for a haircut, they began chatting her up, giving her lots of time to answer and get excited. I realize it was probably more expensive than taking her to a place like Great Clips, but for the service alone I would have paid double.
They even sprayed some sparkles in her hair and put a fancy ponytail in on top of her head.
(The hair stylist did not cut bangs, the front of Sabine's hair is pulled back in a clip, that line of short hair is just new growth coming in.)
As you can see from the back, it's really not that different. She just cleaned up all the scraggly ends--and they were definitely getting scraggly. But Sabine had fun telling everyone we saw today all about the haircut and the sparkles.
In other milestone news, Sabine has switched to big girl toothpaste, which means it has fluoride in it, which means that Sabine is better at spitting it out. Gross, but very fun to practice.
The other big milestone is...I think we are done with naps! It's been on and off for a while, she's gone through phases where they don't seem to be as important, but then goes back to napping for two hours regularly. More recently, though, the longer she naps the longer it is until she can fall asleep. She was up until after 11:00 PM (was in bed for three hours, talking and singing to herself!) on Saturday night. On Sunday she was up and ready to party by 7:00 AM, and didn't seem at all tired after the festivities, so we just let her stay up instead of trying to force a nap. She went to bed at 7:00 PM, and mommy and daddy got a lovely evening to recover. Yesterday, Monday, same thing, and again today no nap. The big difference now is that she's not cranky in the evenings. Before, when she'd miss a nap, our afternoons and evenings were miserable, she was clearly over-tired. Now she gets tired, but is much more in control, can sit and have dinner, and play by herself. She also doesn't fall asleep in the car, even in the late afternoon, which I feel is another indicator. If she takes a few more naps, great, but I am pretty sure this is the end. And in some ways, it's really nice to have our schedule clear up, no more having to dash home after lunch every day.
Our big girl is getting bigger daily.