Our little regression with potty training seems to be over, and Sabine's done using any sort of training seat, she can just balance herself on a regular toilet now.
Between her long-ish naps (they're averaging an hour and a half these days) and the long daylight hours, she's not going to sleep until close to 10:00 or later these days, but it gives us a lot more family time in the evenings, and extra time to spend outside when the sun isn't at its peak.
Sabine has also re-developed an interest in trains, although moreso with her toy trains than ever before. It's interesting to watch her play with them, she spent a full 45 minutes today alone with her Thomas and Rosie trains (they have a little button on top you can push to turn them on so they move by themselves) and while she's mildly interested in building the track for them to run on and standing up little buildings around it, she's more interested in the trains' personalities. She talks to them, gives them pick-ups, and put Thomas in time-out multiple times because he pushed Rosie. (She'd leave him running but put him in a corner so he couldn't go anywhere. It really did sound like he was complaining.)
Sabine likes to make personalities for just about everything, including the soap and shampoo bottles in the shower and bathtub. She will often spend a whole shower or bath putting her babies to bed over and over, which mostly involves floating a soap bottle and covering it with a washcloth.
Sabine's preferred toy is a cloth doll named Daisy these days. Daisy is top on the co-sleeping pecking order right now, and often goes with us in the car to keep Sabine company. We've had many discussions about why we don't buckle Daisy in, just Sabine. And why Daisy can't come in the bath. (Oh, the WHY'S.)
I often let Sabine watch a little video on my phone as a reward (or just to buy time in the car) and her current favorite is this one:
She's always LOVED banjos for some reason, and the little boy is icing on the banjo cake. She is desperate to know his name. Eeek.
Sabine also ate lamb meatballs for the first time the other night and loved them, and she's added cucumber, Vietnamese noodles, and cherries to her growing list of food she likes. I'm not a huge fan of cherries, so we haven't had them around, but the grandparents corrected that, and as soon as Sabine realized there was a gadget involved, she was hooked.
It's been a great summer so far. Lots of growing and enjoying life! Here's hoping this trend continues.
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