Sabine will go around telling her other dolls and stuffed animals that "I can't pick you up right now because I have a baby in my belly."
In this picture, she is demonstrating how her lap is getting smaller to one of her other dolls, like in her current favorite book, The Berenstain Bears' New Baby.
Sabine has a noticeably longer attention span now than she used to, she likes books with more words and spends longer at a given activity. She's doing a lot more independent play, and we get a kick out of listening to her make up scenarios with her dolls and animals in her bed when she's not in the mood to go down for a nap. It often involves Sabine draping a blanket over her head and talking about her long hair and/or braids. It's funny, I remember doing that as a kid, too!
Sabine also upped her creative skills this week--out of nowhere she said she was going to draw a person, and then proceeded to draw a circle with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth! I had no idea she knew how to do that, but it was absolutely identifiable, right up until she drew all over it with a different color. Still! Discernible shapes. That's a big step. She's drawn several other people since then, occasionally adding hair and ears as well.
Admiring her handiwork in her Father's Day card to Daddy.
Sabine's still very active, she loves to run and jump, but she's able to sit still for longer periods too, as I mentioned in the last post, restaurants have become much more enjoyable. She's currently taking a solid two-hour-long nap in the afternoons, usually around 2:00, which is great because for a while there we thought she was giving up her naps. But she's also going to bed later, often not falling asleep until after 9:00. It's hard to go to bed early when the sun is still out so late! But she gets more time with Daddy in the evenings, which is a treat for everyone, and we're able to enjoy the evenings a little, as the sun goes down and the air cools off just a bit. She's a big fan of running through the puddles when the sprinklers come on.
Overall, a great month!
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