Sabine is officially two and a half, as of yesterday. She is suddenly such a big girl. All of her molars are in. She is going to sleep at night without crying, mostly on her own, in her big girl bed. We went to Target a few days ago to buy more pull-ups, which we were still using when we were out of the house, and she informed me that she didn't need them anymore. Ever since, she's been in big girl underwear, except to sleep. And even today, she told me she didn't need a diaper for her nap. So we let her nap in underwear, and sure enough, she woke up dry. This girl can be astonishingly self-aware.
Sabine is also becoming more and more imaginative. She makes up songs all the time, and she likes to tell me I'm a boy or a penguin and then laugh at the ridiculousness of such an idea. Her stuffed animals or dolls often express fear on her behalf. In this picture, she's pretending to climb her "magical tower," as she calls it. (I assume like Rapunzel.)

She's good with a fork, she mostly drinks out of big girl glasses (though a sippy cup with a straw still comes to bed), and she has started to use scissors. Painting is still a favorite pastime, and blue is still her fundamental palette.
Sabine sleeps with an entourage of animals and dolls, and all have to be accounted for before she's able to rest. She's able to put on her pajamas all by herself now (the kind with the feet that zips all the way up), and she likes to help me put away the silverware in the drawers once it's clean. Sabine can almost count to twenty, although 14 and 16 often get skipped. She likes to wear stickers on her hands, and she tells Tatum (our cat) he's her special kitty. She still eats mac & cheese for dinner about half the time, but she also eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, including spinach that she picks at the farm and brings home on Mondays. She prefers balsamic dressing on her salad, thank you very much.
This is a wonderful age. We are having so much fun, and love this not-so-little girl so incredibly much. She's smart and kind and opinionated as ever. It's a thrill to watch more and more of her personality unfold.
Oh my Cat! I can't believe how fast this girl is growing up! She is so adorable. I need to see her soon before she's sixteen really opinionated! Love the beautiful pictures!