Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Two Years Old

Two years and about thirty minutes ago, we held Sabine in our arms for the very first time. It's hard to believe a little person can grow and change so much in such a short amount of time. That day two years ago was a magical day...but honestly we haven't looked back. Sabine just becomes more wonderful and engaging every day, and it's been incredible to watch her turn into an amazing little girl. Today she talked to us in sentences. Today she wore underwear instead of diapers. Today she already knew to anticipate her "happy birthday," as she calls it. She knew there was a new toy waiting for her when she woke up.

We got her a play kitchen, the same one she loves to play with at the toy store. When she walked into the kitchen this morning, she stopped to stare at it, pulled daddy over to help with a closer inspection, and then kept saying, "Let's cook something!" all morning.

And so she did.


There was lots of pretend mac & cheese, cupcakes, and even broccoli concocted this morning.


We took a small break to try out her Halloween costume and meet some friends at the pumpkin patch. We brought some mini cupcakes to celebrate the special day, and Sabine took down the lion's share...terrible pun intended. (Sorry, it's late.)


When we got home, Sabine got right back to business.


Sabine's dear friend S gave her some new gear for her kitchen, so Sabine had all sorts of new things to try out once we got home. A whole new world opened up, including "eggs for daddy" since she now has a spatula and frying pan. The biggest attraction, though, was the salt and pepper shaker.

Special placement in the ice dispenser by Sabine. They fit perfectly.

Everything she cooked from there on out was seasoned within an inch of its life. Including "mommy's wine."


Thank you, S. Sabine is thrilled.

The kitchen also came with a phone, one of Sabine's favorite things to play pretend. Here she is calling grandpa.


The conversation went:

Hello, Grandpa? I'm in the kitchen, actually. Bye-bye. Love you.

What I find ironic is that her stance is not so dis-similar from Grandpa's when he's on the phone.

Sabine's baby dolls also have extremely clean clothes.


They were put in the washer several dozen times this afternoon.

The kitchen was a hit, but so was our playdate with friends. So were all the phone calls from family. So were the cards in the mailbox. "MAIL FOR SABINE!"

We feel really lucky that Sabine has such a warm, loving extended family, that so many people would reach out to her on her birthday. We love you all, and thank you for helping make this such an incredible first two years. Here's to many, many more to come.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday to your little darling! (And thank you for sharing her birthday cupcakes with us. :) )
