A day late, but better rested! Sabine's canine teeth have been giving us a run for our sanity these past few weeks. Last night was better than most, but she still woke up a couple of times. Fortunately it looks like the last tooth is about to break through the gum, so hopefully we should have a reprieve soon.
Otherwise, though, we've been having a great time recently, between playing with friends, checking out the new Ikea, watching hot air balloons in the mornings, and reading new books...among other things.
Sabine even got to hold her new cousin for the first time today.

Sabine is now wearing size 18 month clothing. She speaks in small sentences regularly and her vocabulary is always growing. She's become very interested in dinosaurs, unicorns, and dragons. It's interesting to me that none of those things exist now, there's no way she could know that. But she went through a phase where she kept asking to go see the unicorn outside, so we've gone on many walks around the block looking for the oon-i-cawn. At least there's usually a bulldozer as a distraction. (Bulldozers and trains are still favorites, as well.)
Sabine's also more interested in books these days. It's not just about flipping the pages, she's starting to care about the content. Heaven forbid you miss a word or page in one of her favorites. You will get corrected. Current favorites include Goodnight Moon, Hop on Pop, Go Dog Go!, Snug House Bug House, and Show Me a Dragon. Sabine will very explicitly tell you that the purple dragon at the end is SABINE'S DRAGON. Occasionally she will bequeath you a smaller one, but it's subject to change. The purple one is always hers.
We also seem to be entering the terrible twos, Sabine's most-used word is "NO." Usually at full volume. Time-out gets a lot more use these days, although interestingly Sabine actually puts herself in time-out more than we do. I think she finds some sort of comfort in having a place to go when she's upset. She also can recognize when she's tired and ask to go "night-night," although actually falling asleep once she's there (and then staying asleep) is another story entirely.
Sabine's developed a bit of a phobia with bugs; she's particularly scared of flies and spiders. Unfortunately, Sabine's also very fond of the outdoors, so it is a constant source of irritation to find bugs in her way when she's trying to play.

All in all, though, this is a fun age. Sabine figured out how to climb the ladder and go down the slide all by herself at the playground today. She likes to watch daddy play volleyball at the park, and shouts "Go Daddy!" and asks "You o.k.?" every time someone falls down/dives for a ball. She likes to draw clouds with her crayons, the circular motion is fairly new, so it's opened up a new range of options. She can tell daddy what happened during the day when he gets home, she's usually able to communicate who she saw and where we went without any help from me. She's got more dance moves, and can gallop. (Skipping is still a little tricky.) She likes to pretend to put on sunscreen and lotion, and can sometimes put her shoes on by herself.
Sabine has become a fairly picky eater recently, she has mac & cheese for dinner more nights than not, because she'll happily go without food if there's nothing she likes. And when she's teething she doesn't have much of an appetite anyway. Although there always seems to be room for chocolate. That's genetic.
It's exciting to see the little girl she's becoming, with more preferences, opinions, energy, and hair every day. We're always looking forward to what the next month will bring! (Just oh please let this next one include sleep.)