And she's gotten some good water play in with her friend P, who has very awesome toys, including a kiddie pool and water table.
(Note the matching outfits. Moms are having quite a bit of fun, too!)
We've gotten in some good visits with Great-Grandmom and Great Aunt Betsy and Uncle Butch, as well as a quick trip to Longwood Gardens (I'll have to share those pictures when we get back), and we even made it to the beach this morning. Sabine has seen her first coastline, and the Atlantic did not disappoint.
Sabine on the boardwalk at Rehobeth.
As much fun as all these trips have been, both Sabine and I are exhausted, so tomorrow we're taking it easy, and letting some friends come to us before we head to Virginia on Saturday.
Such darling photos! Looks like Sabine is having a blast -- and I'm sure Mommy is too. :)