Silly us, we thought the boy-craziness would happen closer to the 15
year mark, as opposed to the 15 month mark. But Sabine continues to impress us with just how advanced she is. She recently went through a phase where she refused to be held by any guy (with a daddy, and occasionally grandpa, exception.) Dustin felt this was something we should nurture. Unfortunately, we failed at that task. In the past week or two, Sabine has showed a very keen interest in certain guys.
There are family friends, of course:
But their handsome younger brothers get even more love:
There are neighbors, and while the girl has all sorts of cool toys and beautiful costumes, nothing could compare to her older brother:
Fortunately, at the end of the day, daddy is still her favorite boy.
Less fortunately, daddy is already having to seriously considering an NRA membership.
There was also a little boy at our new music class who was...overwhelmed by Sabine's affection. I didn't quite have the guts to get a picture of the attack. Sabine (not to mention that poor little boy!) is going to be happily surprised to see her friends B and E at the next class!
Developmentally, Sabine really seems to be growing up. (And not just in her interest in boys.) She's communicating a lot, and developing a lot of opinions, which she freely expresses all day long. Her favorite food is currently cold, steamed broccoli, followed closely by sauteed zucchini. (At least she LOOKS exactly like Dustin.) She helps me carry laundry and unload the dishwasher, and waits by the window after dinner to see dada's "vroom vroom" coming home.
Sabine has some serious moments:

But she also laughs really easily, and is always on the go. She's getting much better at climbing, both up and down.

She's down to one nap a day, which usually lasts an hour and a half if we're lucky. She has ten teeth, two of which are molars, and we're guessing there are two more on their way in. We went to Little Monkey Bizness with her friend E the other day, and it was a raging success. Sabine had no fear, and loved the bouncy castle, the climbing structures, and the slides. I'm guessing another trip is in our near future. Anyone want to go with us?