Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Busy Bees

Sabine and I had a great first week at home together last week, although I use the words "at home" losely, since we were on the go all week. We saw a lot of friends, went out to eat, went shopping, and finally made it to the Butterfly Pavillion!


I'm not sure Sabine even noticed the butterflies, but she was definitely very happy to see her friends M and S there!


(Unfortunately, we missed getting a picture with B and E, who were also there. Herding five little ones through that big open place was a little tricky.)


Later in the week Sabine and I went to the toy store. That was a lot of fun, although I had trouble getting a non-blurry shot of Miss Miss while we were there. It! Was! Just! SO! Exciting! She couldn't sit still. Here's the closest she got to sitting. (Bouncing.)


She enjoyed a lot of different toys, but seemed to favor a monkey, a train tender (Grandpa would be proud), a big bear (surprise surprise), and a ball. Miraculously, only the ball ended up coming home with us. phew.

Sorry some of these pictures are so small, I took them on my phone.

1 comment:

  1. M&S were happy to see her too!! :-)
    and their mama was happy to see you!
