Sabine had her nine month check-up on Friday, and we're happy to report it went well. The doctor asked if she was crawling yet, just as Sabine stood up and walked past her (and went straight to the uncovered socket in the wall and licked it.) Yes, she's crawling. Also walking. Also testing boundaries.
Sabine had a growth spurt recently, she's now finally fitting comfortably into her 6-9 month clothing, and she measured in at 27.5 inches long, which is the 47th percentile. She only weighed in at 15 lbs 11 oz., which put her in the 5th percentile. Our doctor is not worried, but we got the o.k. to go ahead and start feeding her meat, cheese, and yogurt in addition to the fruits, veggies, and grains that we've already tried. Sabine's head circumference was 17.5 inches, which is the 64th percentile, so she's still quite top-heavy.
In other accomplishment-related news, Sabine started standing up on her own on Friday. By "on her own" I mean from a seated position, without holding on to anything to help her up. That was pretty impressive. There are advantages to being on the pip-squeak-y side.
She's also drinking water from a sippy cup now, both from a straw and through the little spout, as you can see in the photos above. She likes pasta and bread (mommy's little girl) and had a few bites of peach-flavored shaved ice, and hoo-boy! She acted like I've been holding out on her the last nine months of her life.
She's getting better at walking, including when she's wearing shoes; she's swaying to music more and more, including when daddy sings and whistles; and she's grown a few more hairs on the top of her head. Someday they may even show up in pictures!
In some other big news, I have decided to take some time off of work to stay at home with Sabine. It was a big decision, but we feel pretty confident it's the right one for our family right now. I am so very excited to get more time with her during the day, and more time with Dustin in the evenings. As a cherry on top, work has even offered me some freelancing opportunities, so I may be able to keep a finger in the pot, so to speak. I couldn't have asked for a better turnout.
So we need to do lunch or dinner sometime now that you will have more free time!
ReplyDeleteE just had his two-month checkup on Monday -- you won't believe this, but he weighs only 2 lbs. less than Sabine!!! Looks like the two of them are on opposite ends of the spectrum. :)