Sabine has had quite a week of firsts. They just seem to keep coming, it's amazing to watch. She's standing for longer and longer on her own (I think we're up to about 10-15 seconds); she's able to pull herself up to standing in her Pack ' n Play, which has made getting her to lie down to go to sleep a bit of a challenge; she has distinctly said "bear" a couple of times, parroting us. She's had a vowel-y "Eeeh" sound for "tree" for a while now (although we define "tree" very loosely around here. Anything green and leafy-ish is "Eeeh.") and we think there's an "AH!" for "cat." But just this weekend a b and an r appeared out of nowhere, and while there doesn't seem to be an association to anything other than very excited reactions from mom and dad, there's now a hint of language to come.
Sabine's new favorite game is pulling all the books off of the bookshelf.
I like to think it's the beginning of an active literary career of some sort.
She's also finally learned how to go from a crawling position to seated. That makes life much less frustrating!
And my very favorite recent development, the proto-running. She's gotten even faster, but I managed to capture it on my camera just as she was starting to do it.
It is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen.
the video of her with the little push-cart is so much like the one of sonja - made me smile big. And the clearing-the-bookshelves phase shouldn't last long. Sonja did that for only about a month and then lost interest. Which was good b/c i was losing interest in restacking the books all the time!!!!
Oh goodness she has that: "not now, paparazzi, I'm busy look" whilst in her library. sw
ReplyDeletethe video of her with the little push-cart is so much like the one of sonja - made me smile big.
ReplyDeleteAnd the clearing-the-bookshelves phase shouldn't last long. Sonja did that for only about a month and then lost interest. Which was good b/c i was losing interest in restacking the books all the time!!!!