Sabine is getting closer to crawling every day. She's been able to get up on all fours and rock for a while, and her legs got in on the action, but she's had some trouble coordinating her arms, which leads to a fair amount of face-plants. Just this evening, I'm happy to report that she finally got her arms to move! We have deemed her officially crawling. (ish.)
Sabine also had her six-month doctor's appointment today, and she got a clean bill of health. (Despite being jabbed with more needles, poor thing.) She now weighs 13 lbs 12 oz., which puts her in the 12th percentile for weight; she's 25.25" long, which puts her in the 35th percentile for length; and her head circumference is 16.75", which is in the 55th percentile. So she's still on the smaller, skinny side, and a bit top-heavy. Which is a recipe for perfection, as far as we can tell.
We're also working on sleep training, so we're trying to get another hour out of her at night, and trying to help her learn how to self-soothe so that we don't have to keep jumping out of bed every time she fusses. So far the results have been mixed, but she is no longer being swaddled and can now roll around in her crib to her heart's content. (And get up on all fours and bang her head against the side...somehow that is not conducive to the aforementioned self-soothing.)
And now for the reason I know you are here:
Enjoy that gummy smile now. Sabine had another first this week....
Her first tooth started to poke through on Thursday, on her bottom gum! We haven't gotten a picture yet, but we will certainly post it if we do manage to get one.
Sitting and crawling?! Wow, she is moving right along!!! And a first tooth! It sounds like it was indeed a very big week at your house. Congrats, Sabine!