Monday, December 21, 2009

Nine Weeks

Sabine turned nine weeks old today, and two months old on Saturday. In some ways I am astounded by how quickly the time is other ways it's hard to remember a life before Sabine.

We went to the pediatrician today for her two month well baby visit and vaccines. Sabine weighed in at 10 lbs 3 oz, and she was 22 inches long. That puts her in the 31st percentile for weight and the 34th percentile for length. So she's a little on the small side, but well within normal ranges. Her head's circumference was in the 49th percentile, clearly housing a very large brain.

To commemorate the two month mark, I finally got a picture of the elusive smile over the weekend.


We're all looking forward to a short week this week! Happy holidays!


  1. LOOOOVE the smile pic! Now I want to see it in real life!! You guys have a very Merry Christmas. You have the perfect little present this year! Hope we can get together soon!!

  2. Sooo nice to see you all!!! She's beautiful and wonderful, even when grumpy! See you soon! Happy Holidays! I'll save my partying for next New Years?

  3. Nine weeks, wow! Where has this fall gone! But not only did you capture the smile, you captured it in those adorable train PJs. :) I hope the first vaccine appointment went well, as well as can be expected... Merry first Christmas to Sabine!

  4. Give it a week or so and the smiles will be non-stop! It's great fun.
