We took a little break from work and school to join our cousins for a ski vacation up at Copper Mountain.
We rented a condo that we could all fit into this time, and it worked out really well! We had a blast being together.
We, of course, had a great time skiing:
Sabine was keeping up with the fastest of us! She really put on the accelerator on this trip.
But we also had a lot of fun just hanging out together in the condo.
And it was no less a vacation for Aspen, who was doted on by all the big girls, and even though she didn't ski she got lots...
...and lots...
...and lots of screen time!
We had some fun exploring Copper, too!
It was over too soon, as always.
But we managed to squeeze in a visit with Grandmom and Grandpa, both on the way up and back. And the girls liberated some of mommy's old dolls and stuffed animals from the grandparents' basement.
Later in the week, our cousin's flight was delayed, so Aspen and mommy got to go visit them for a quick stroll in Wash Park in Denver before they headed for the airport.
It was a sweet little bonus to a wonderful trip! We are already looking forward to next year.