Someone turned 17 months old this week!
Aspen has had another growth spurt, she's longer and stronger, better at running, has a new pair of favorite shoes (yellow Crocks!), which she can put on by herself. Sometimes.
She loves buckles, this isn't exactly new, but the interest is definitely strong right now. She loves to practice with her car seat, her high chair, stroller, toy stroller, and restaurant chairs.
Aspen's oral vocabulary is growing slowly, she understands everything, but hasn't mastered the "k" or "s" or hard "g" sounds, which are kind of important in her world. But the "d"s and "m"s and "n"s are in full effect, and "NONONO!" is still a favorite expression. (She likes to reprimand the cats when they are doing something wrong, like getting on the counter. I remember Sabine doing the same thing at her age.) She calls "Nana" by name now, as well as "Aunt Dani." She can also approximate both cousins' names. We also had mommy's cousin Lara visit while she was in town for work, and Aspen LOVED her. (loved loved LOVED.) We are still hearing about "wra-wra" with adoration.
Aspen is also great at hearing and announcing the local train going by. It has three crossings in town, and Aspen often hears it at the first one when the rest of us miss it, but she lets us know that it will be coming to the second crossing in just a few moments. She's also adept at pointing out airplanes, cars, trucks, and busses.
Both Aspen and Sabine have been sleeping fairly well recently, even sleeping in until close to 7:00 in the past week, which has been lovely for everyone, and we are trying to enjoy it while it lasts. It has also let Aspen push back her nap a little, she goes down closer to 10:30 or even a little after these days. And she'll often sleep for two or more hours, we call anything over an hour and a half a good nap. Sabine's Kindergarten schedule can't come fast enough, though, since I am having to wake her up more and more to go collect Sabine from preschool camp, mid-day.
Aspen has a range of emotions. She takes herself seriously, she's getting louder, she likes to make everyone laugh, and go to the zoo. She asks if we're going almost daily by signing "car" and then some combination of "elephant," "monkey," "giraffe," "tiger." She is very expressive, and has no problem letting you know what she's thinking. She often has more humor behind her serious expressions than it seems.



The ever-popular, "You can't be serious"

All in all, it's been a great month, and a fun, healthy summer so far. (Knock on wood!) We've spent lots of time outside, between the park, the farmer's market, playing after preschool, and various trips to places like the zoo...not to mention our own front porch! Both girls have been growing and enjoying each other. It's fun to see their relationship develop more and more. I am suspicious they are going to share a lot of clothes and accessories as they get older.