There have been play dates galore:

For everybody...whether they like it or not!

But the best is when the sisters get to experience life together.

We've introduced Aspen to the park:

And the zoo:

And the Butterfly Pavilion:

Where Aspen found a caterpillar that she could climb on, and she LOVED it.

In other news, Sabine had to say goodbye to the very best group she's ever been with at farm. That was sad, but the farm lost their exemption status (long story, it's bureaucracy at its finest) and had their license revoked. They've managed to get a temporary license to get them through the summer, but were forced to take off April and May. It's too bad, because Sabine had only just moved into the Enrichment program with a fabulous teacher. It's slightly more structured than the SproutHouse program she had been in previously with the 3-5-year-olds. (Enrichment is for kids ages 5-8.) They did some sewing and planting, along with the regular collecting of worms, digging in the sandbox, and zip-lining. Sabine was flourishing, so it was tough to have to let that go.

We'll be back for the summer, but several of her good friends won't be, and it's unclear if Ms. Amy will be back.

But, the silver lining is that it has freed up our Thursdays, so I took Sabine swimming, and then we made an impromptu visit to Denver to see daddy for lunch. I missed getting a picture at lunch, we were all too busy eating pizza, but then we made our regular pilgrimage to Tattered Cover to introduce Aspen to the coolest bookstore around. She seemed properly impressed, especially with their stuffed Babar:

(She's making her elephant sound, "brrrrrr!" in the picture.)
We are staying busy, anyway!