Aspen is 20 weeks old!
The girls continue to get along famously. Aspen is sleeping through the night fairly regularly, her last feeding is at 9:30 PM and she usually goes until about 6:00 AM, with an occasional wake-up where she just needs to get her pacifier or needs to be re-swaddled. I don't think rolling over is far off, so the swaddle's days are limited, anyway. Her reflux is still an issue, we are suspicious she is also sensitive to potatoes, as well as dairy and soy. It can be tricky to cut back our diet, on the other hand, if it makes her more comfortable, it's more than worth it!
Sabine has been busy with preschool and a gymnastics camp. We've had lots of play dates, and she has been developing her own sense of fashion. She still LOVES to play in my jewelry box. I was told to wear a certain necklace yesterday, and when I said the blue didn't match my shirt, Sabine told me, "It doesn't matter if it matches, mom. It just matters if you looooove it."I thought that was good advice, so I wore the necklace all day, until Aspen started banging her head on it.
We had a great fourth of July, we celebrated cousin E's birthday:
And also went to a neighborhood BBQ, and then Sabine and Daddy and some friends went over to Nana and Aunt Dani's to watch the fireworks show. (It was almost literally in their backyard!) I stayed home with Aspen, but it turns out I could see four separate shows out of Aspen's window, including the local one that was very impressive, so it was a fun night for all of us.