Sabine had a very successful October, and a fun lead-in to Halloween. She can anticipate it more than ever, and looks forward to all the traditions. There is a big, inflatable pumpkin that goes up in front of a local farm every year, and we watched for it every time we drove down that road, Sabine was THRILLED to see it's reappearance!
Grandmom and Grandpa were kind enough to take Sabine to our favorite pumpkin patch this year, since Mommy is not as mobile these days. (As Sabine likes to say, "Little sister is a handful already!")
They apparently had a very good time.

(The annual shot next to the measuring tape; click
HERE to see last year's picture)
And the big day. Sabine went as Mrs. Banks from her favorite movie, Mary Poppins, this year. Grandmom and Mommy had a really good time putting a suffragette costume together!

With our next-door-neighbor, who went as Hermione.
Cousin E also joined us for some trick-or-treating
This year ended much less abruptly, I think Sabine just wore out after hitting the majority of the houses in our neighborhood, so she and Daddy came home to taste the spoils.
Daddy was required to don his costume before he was allowed any candy. (His department did an Alice in Wonderland theme this year.)
All in all, lots of fun!