Without further ado, I will mostly let the pictures show what we've been up to.
We went cross-country skiing in March with some good friends. Sabine got the luxury ride. (Luckily our friends took the first shift hauling Sabine, while Mommy and Daddy got their legs under them!)
Sabine and Tatum continue to be close, and Sabine finally can hold still long enough now that Tatum will rest on her. It's very sweet.
Sabine got a new bike helmet, she picked out a Spider-Man one. A neighbor has lent us a big girl bike to practice on, but first we need to procure some training wheels.
A babysitter did some fancy braids in Sabine's hair, and it was the highlight of the week.
We've done more baking--both bread and cookies.
And we made it to the zoo with cousin E! That was a great time.
We've gone swimming
And in between beautiful days, we've gotten three separate snowstorms.
It's been fun, but we are ready for some warmer weather.
At one point Sabine attempted make-up...via markers.
We celebrated Mommy's birthday
And just because it's worth sharing, even though Sabine was stuck at home with a sitter, Mommy and Daddy were invited to the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame banquet by an old co-worker of Daddy's. We briefly met both Peyton Manning and Missy Franklin, who were both inducted that night. Quite an honor!
(Yup, that's Peyton at the table next to us.)