She was a little nervous, but as you can see, she was willing to sit in the chair by herself this time (as opposed to on my lap) and watch Nemo on the TV. I think she was unsure about cutting off her hair, especially since Rapunzel, with her long, long hair, is her favorite movie character right now, but combing knots was becoming a battle every morning, so we sold her on the idea of cutting out the part that gets tangled. It worked, and her hair is definitely easier to brush out now. Plus the purple bows that the girl put in Sabine's hair really impressed her.
I also took her to the toy store next door, as a reward after it was all over, and she picked out a new puzzle, so all's well that ends well. She is really into puzzles these days!
She's also really into playing dress-up, so we spent some time in that section of the toy store, too.
And at home her favorite costume is still her witch costume from Halloween. She'll play alone...
With the cat...
And with friends....
In other news, we got a break from all the recent snow, and went to the playground today because it was 70 degrees out!
Sabine's getting more and more comfortable on the big girl swings, and is much better at pumping these days.
It's been a fun, eventful week. We're off to the mountains again this weekend, hopefully the cold will hold out long enough to let our aspiring figure skater practice on the lake once again.