Get thee ready for an onslaught of pictures. It was too hard to narrow it down, so I am just going to post a ton from our Christmas. Santa dutifully arrived after Sabine was asleep on Christmas Eve, and left one very large present just outside the living room, where the Christmas tree and the rest of the presents were.
When Sabine woke up in the morning and wandered out, she wasn't quite sure what to make of it, at first. I think it truly took her a couple of minutes to process what she was looking at. But once she did:
Girlfriend is slightly obsessed with bunk beds, partially because of the Berenstein Bears (who sleep in bunk beds) and because she got to sleep in the kids room, on a bottom bunk, when we spent a weekend with our neighbors at their cabin in the mountains.
This was a great solution, brilliant thinking, Santa. The bed is lofted, but not quite as high as a regular bunk bed, with a play house underneath and a slide to get down. Sabine has started calling herself Sister Bear, and has an imaginary Brother Bear who sleeps below her now. She was also thrilled to see the reappearance of her Rudolph stuffed animal.
We maneuvered the bed into her room, and she spent most of the morning playing on it.
Interestingly, all of her other bedmates have been (maybe temporarily?) sent to sleep on the floor. Only Rudolph is allowed on the bed.
Eventually, she got curious about the rest of the stuff under the tree, and she opened one present before the rest of the family arrived.
Santa listened, he brought her doctor gloves, just like she asked for. He also included a doctor mask.
Nana, Aunt Dani, and Ethan arrived (Grandmom and Grandpa were already there, having spent Christmas Eve with us) and we got down to business.
New Calico Critters stuff is always a hit! Thank you Aunt Dani and Nana!
Ethan seemed to enjoy himself too, and was even practicing walking.
He also spent a lot of time playing with cars and trains. Anything with wheels!
Sabine got lots of great gifts,
and Santa also remembered to bring the requested Doc McStuffins doll. (The title character from Sabine's current favorite TV show.)
We have been giving LOTS of check-ups to all the dolls and stuffed animals in Sabine's room, recently. After a present-filled morning and brunch, we headed up to Aunt Diane and Uncle Nat's house. This year, Sabine got to participate in the gift exchange.
Many of the gifts are silly, and cousin Jed shared a red nose that he received with Sabine. She was a little unsure of it at first, especially with everyone looking at her, but after Uncle Nat proved it was fun
And then daddy
Sabine got into it
And then the nose stayed with us the rest of the night.
We had a wonderful day, filled with presents, food, and family. It was truly perfect. We hope your holiday was merry and bright as well!