Our little cupcake is growing up fast. 18 months is such a big milestone. Her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, and she's stringing together more and more words. She's also creating phrases herself, as opposed to mimicking us. For example, yesterday we were pulling out of the garage, and I hear her pipe up in the backseat, "Bye-bye, home!" That's definitely nothing I've ever said before, if I had come close, it probably would have been "Bye-bye, house" or something like that, so it's just been neat to see her expressing herself with her own words.
The other ngiht we made cupcakes because Sabine has been obsessed with a lovely bouquet we got from my cousin, that was shaped like a cake. We've talked about "CAKE!" all week, and she's pretended to eat the flower arrangement daily. The flowers finally started to wilt, so we decided to make real cake.
Sabine loved helping put the paper liners in the pan.

She also loved taking them out again. Then putting them in again. Then taking them out. Then mommy took the pan away briefly so we could get on with the other ingredients.

Sabine liked to help pour, but was a little afraid of the mixer, or "VROOM VROOM" as she calls it. But she finally got up enough courage to peek in to see what it was doing.

Fortunately cupcakes bake quickly, so we had them in the oven, baked, and cooled before bedtime. Naturally, we had to taste the fruit of our labors.

The tentative nibbling lasted for about two bites.

In hindsight, bright red was, perhaps, not the ideal color to coat the finger-food-fest in, but it was slightly improvised, since we didn't actually have regular icing and mommy just happened to find a leftover tube of red decorating icing from a Valentine's Day project.
Sabine graciously shared with daddy, and then it was off to bed.

We've eaten a few more cupcakes as the week's gone on, however we've skipped the icing. Since we don't let Sabine have refined sugar very often, she's been happy with plain cake. (And even requests it for breakfast. NO.) I doubt this will last long, but at least it's slightly less messy! (And slightly less sugar.)
Happy year and a half, sweet girl!