Friday, May 28, 2010

How Do You Not Want to Nibble on Those Cheeks Just a Little Bit?

Happy Friday! It's been a busy week. Fortunately, there is always extreme cuteness waiting for us at the end of our day.


Extreme cuteness plus Tatum tail.



Happy Memorial Day!

Monday, May 24, 2010

More Pics

A couple more pictures from the set I took the other day.

Determination, thy name's Sabine

Storm's a brewin'

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

7 Months

Happy seven-month-iversary to our sweet little girl!

(see the teeth?)

Time is starting to fly now. She's more and more engaged in her world every day, and more and more of her personality is coming out. So far, she's a very happy kid, with strong preferences for things to go her way. All the time. And her way is standing and walking.


And documenting her seventh month wouldn't be complete without scrunchy-face. It's a new development, but already Very Sabine.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Big Girls

Sabine's gotten to meet a few new friends recently. She is fascinated by other children. Two weekends ago Govi and Annika came over.



Sabine wasn't quite sure what to make of them at first, but after the first few minutes she couldn't take her eyes off of them.

By the time little A.J. came to visit last week, Sabine was shaking she was so impatient to get out of my arms to be able to touch her.

Complete adoration. Luckily, A.J. was very tolerant of being poked and grabbed by an infatuated six-month-old.

Mother's Day

And the family came over for lunch to celebrate the day.

Nanna Lin


Both grandmothers, mom, and Aunt Dani

Everyone got to help walk Sabine around; she is no longer content to sit. This girl has places to be. So while everyone's back is now a little sore, mom and dad's backs got a little break. Thanks for the help, family! That was a fantastic mother's day present.

Meanwhile, Sabine has really taken to solid foods. She insists on holding the spoon herself. So far she's had avacado, squash, green beans, yams, peas, pears, and banana. She's eaten all of it, although there was less enthusiasm for green beans and peas. At some point we'll progress to stage II foods, which basically means mixed flavors. I'm hoping some of the green veggies will go over a little better when they're combined with things like carrots or potatoes.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Look Who's Standing!


At least long enough to get a picture.

Sorry posting has been light, work has been really busy. Happy (almost) Friday!