Sabine turned five months old on Friday. She’s grown so much. She’s on new medication for her reflux, and we really feel like that’s helped her a lot. She’s happy almost all of the time, and really interested in the world around her now that she’s not always in pain. She sits up by herself now, and is nearly crawling. She gets up on all fours and does a little wiggle that usually involves a faceplant and manages to slowly inch forward. Mobility-ho! (Also: daddy got to spend lots of time this weekend putting up gates on the stairs.)
Sabine spends a lot of time in her exersauser, and loves her jumparoo. The downside is that now she think she should be jumping anytime she’s on her feet, so she’s giving our arms quite a workout. We’ve been able to watch her grow now that she’s in these toys, too. First, she was barely able to get one toe to touch at a time in the exersauser. Then both feet were able to tip-toe at the same time, then she was able to get one foot almost flat on the ground, and as of last week, both feet are now solidly on the floor.
It’s been happening so fast, but we are all having more fun every day, I think. (Ask me how I feel next week when she’s crawling faster than I can run.)
Happy five months, princess baby!